Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ain't I American

Ain't I American or does my skin tone make me different
Ain't my money green or does my skin tone spend differently
It's been 5 years and I still don't matter
Back then you left me on roof tops with water rising over my head
Back then you sent the troops with their guns ablaze ready to kill me while trying to get food out of the store
Back then I sat in the Super Dome for days waiting for someone to help us
But I must not be American because I don't look like you
My money must not spend because I still can't get any help nor justice
Ain't I American or does my skin tone make me different
Ain't my money green or does my skin tone spend differently
You sent my family miles away with a one way ticket, no money and no directions
I had no phone number, no email, no pigeon, no cup to find my folks
Those left you put us in trailers
forgetting I OWNED my property
The deed on that house belonged to me free & clear
But I must not be American because you never even cared
You set me up in a double wide like I should be proud
So in that trailer I sat, day by day getting sicker
Only to tell me as an afterthought oh by the way your trailer has formaldehyde because it was made with shoddy materials by folks who didn't care I was forced to raise my family here
Ain't I American?
I must not be because I didn't have the proper insurance to cover a flood let alone the worst natural disaster in American history
that must not be important because my skin tone was wrong
When they had bush fires in California Tide showed up to help those folks wash their clothes
Yet because my house ain't worth $500,000 no one came to my rescue
While I watched bodies of my neighbors float by no one came to my rescue
And now I sit wondering if I'm American
now I sit losing my mind and there's no help for me
Now all the minor resources I had before the storm are no longer available to me
See because Katrina was really yo bottom bitch
She wiped me away, evicted me without you having to get your hands dirty
So now you can take my land and say it's imminent domain.
Now you can take my land and put a casino and whatever else you deem appropriate
So I must not be American and my money not be green
cause 5 years later I'm no better than when the water was over my head
Now I just can't see the water, can't feel the debris against my feet
Now all the swimming I do is in my head
Just trying to survive second to second minute to minute
But I'm not American and my money must not be green because I'm still waiting for someone to come rescue me from this roof top, the Super Dome, the bridge....I'm still there you don't see me??

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