Monday, August 16, 2010


So this weekend I saw Eat, Pray, Love which I must admit was a wonderful movie. Made me reflect over the last year-going through the fire, losing Blue, losing my mind and then finding me.
I must admit over that period of time I never thought I'd find happiness again. I thought I'd never stop hurting. Alas, I did stop hurting and very surprisingly I am thankful for that pain. Without that pain I couldn't stand confidently where I am now or humbly for that matter. I'm not saying where I am now is all that wonderful but the learning curve is much better than a year ago.
I'm still waiting for a response from Radio One and still of the mindset I want that job...although honestly I kind of thinking about the wonderful cliche "the grass is always greener"
Don't have the answers but promise to remain faithful & steadfast.

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