Friday, August 20, 2010

For my ladies who smile

Love Hate

I love you

But I hate you

I want to be here

But I want to leave

What do I do

How do I tell you what I want

Will you even listen to me

Do you even see me

Do you even know me

I love you

So much

I’ve given you all


I’ve given you all

All of me

I’ve given you more in me than I think I have even given me

You didn’t have to ask me

You didn’t even have to think hard about it

I just gave it to you

Gave it to you because I love you

So much

I hate you

I wish you’d die

I hate everything about you

Hate the way you look

Hate the way you breathe

I hate the way you chew

I hate the way you blink

I hate that you cheat

I hate that you lie

I hate that you don’t love me the way I love you

I hate that you don’t even regard me the way I regard you

I want to leave you

Want to flee you

I want to lay in your arms forever

I find so much solace in your arms

In your arms I’m at home

See staying here is easier because I can be in misery with you

I can bask in this hate and look at you longingly

I can dream up ways to kill you…like if I smother you with this pillow will they know I killed you

While I lay in your arms I can gaze at you sleeping so peacefully

I can feel the love emit from you

And I can ponder ways to leave, to escape you

I love you

But I hate you

I want to be here

But I want to leave

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