Friday, August 27, 2010

Eat Pray Love the Book

So I finally finished reading Eat, Pray, Love. I must share it was the best book I think I've ever read. I say finally because it took me some time to digest simply because of the present self reflection period I'm in. There were times I had to put the book down and just think. I had to look back on the last year and think about so many things. Some days that would happen in just 1 page of reading and I must admit I'm a bit of a book worm. I LOVE to read, I inhale books. So anytime it takes me more than a few hours to read a book for pleasure there's something to be said (negative or positive).
However, I have to admit I saw the movie before I read the book which is abnormal for me. While there are some variations from the book (and some of them major), I think the movie is a cohesive compilation of the book. The casting directors choice of Richard, for example, spot on. I actually think seeing the movie first allowed me to hear Julia Roberts narration of the book which allowed me to enjoy it a tidbit more.
But back to the book.
The reason this book appeals to a massive amount of women (it's a true chickflick so I don't know of any men who saw the movie or read the book) is because we're always in a state of reflection. We're always looking for the green light to enjoy life, to speak our peace, overall to do something. Every woman in the world is waiting for someone to give them the go ahead to live the life they dream of, to feel all the feelings they have, to think the thoughts coursing through their brains a million miles a minute. Admittedly, this book allows you to do just that. Not only does this book give women the power they think only happens in the movies, it also allows them to live vicariously through the author. While reading the book, there were many instances I found myself laughing out loud, very loud, because I can vividly imagine that scene occurring in real life. There were times I found myself crying because I too have been in the authors shoes.
After reading this book (and seeing the movie) my outlook on life has dramatically shifted. Not because I received a new message but simply because God has given me further confirmation to my mothers earlier advice "It's time to LIVE" And so I shall thanks to the last nail off the coffin Eat Pray Love.

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