Tuesday, August 24, 2010

For my ladies who smile

She told me no

After months of deliberation I walked in

I scheduled my appointment with much uneasiness

I called and asked the lady for what I needed with tears in my eyes my heart in my throat

After talking about it like it would never actually happen

I was here

I was doing the one thing I never really committed to

but it never made sense

there weren't enough resources

there wasn't enough preparation

But here I was anyway

I walked into the factory

if those walls could talk I don't think I could handle the muffled screams

the scores of people who'd come through here

some by choice

others by force

and here I was

Quietly, angrily I sat in the seat

watched some mindless information session which was supposed to help me

inform me

of what-the thoughts I'd already had

the choices I'd already explored

the options I knew would never work

But here I was


back to go through with this

mind not fully steeled for what I was about to do

and in this factory there were stations

stations for set up

stations for afterwards

there were the in between mandatory stations

which made no sense since we'd all committed ourselves anyway

the faces of the people here sunken in

I sat waiting almost like I was waiting for my number like everyone else around me

for although the choice was already made because they too were here

no one really wanted to be here

"So why are you here today" she asked me

this pimple faced girl who was barely out of puberty asked me

She asked me why was I here

I looked around the walls wondering how many times she'd asked this question

I wondered who told her the truth

doubting anyone really gave up the ghost

but here I was anyway

I told her

heart in my throat, teeth clenched

I'm here because....

at first the words caught in my throat

Why was I here

I wasn't here because I really wanted to be

I knew my options

I knew there was light at the end of the tunnell

but here I was

sitting in this college kids office discussing my personal affairs in this factory

I'm here to have an abortion I finally stammered out


I'd said it and I was here so I suppose I was commited

but in my heart of hearts I was somewhere else

"Are you sure this is what you really want to do?" she asked

Who the fuck really WANTS to have an abortion?

and my filter flew across the room

I actually said exactly what I was thinking

shocked she straightened her clothes and looked me dead in the eye

"Well ma'am if you're not fully committed, there are other options"

What other options are there-matter of factly

What other options are there for me

There are no other options for me ma'am

I'm not going to become a welfare mom leeching off the millions of folks who stingily pay into the system

I'm not giving my baby up for adoption

I can't find a job

My baby daddy doesn't have a job

and I refuse to be a burden on my family

So here I am

in this factory

ready to abort my baby because there were no other options for me

Here I am in this factory trying to explain to my baby that I was so sorry but I just couldn't take it home

like I was talking about the lonely dog in the window

explaining there was no place for it right now

there wasn't enough to go 'round so I had to leave it here

in these walls

in this factory

I held myself to the chair

knowing if I even lifted a hair I was out of this factory

me & my baby would figure this out

but here I was

in this factory

And after checking with her superviser and the head nurse and everyone else in the factory

She told me no

I could not have an abortion because I wasn't fully committed to it

she told me that plenty of women (I wondered how many) were 100% committed to killing their child

and I told her for my hard earned hustled up $425 I wasn't about to tell her any lies

just give me my abortion & let me go on with my miserable life

She told me no

emphatically no

unequivlilantly no



and with that I walked out of the factory

elated actually because my baby would live to see another day

at least until I figured this thing out

because in that moment I decided to keep my baby

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