Sunday, August 8, 2010

Pimps in the Pulpit

So I have been cast in the play Pimps in the Pulpit by Shannon Bellamy. Honestly, at first I was very apprehensive because of all the negative press surrounding the book and the various interviews I've heard. So I was required to read the book which I have to admit I was NOT impressed. However, after meeting Shannon and being able to hear from her mouth more of an account of what happened. I can appreciate her transparency which allowed me to gain more insight because reading the book you are left with so many questions. It was nice for her to allow an open forum at our cast party for folks to ask any question they wanted. While I didn't ask anything, there wasn't a reason since everyone asked the things on my mind.
She has big things she wants to do which are wonderful and I'm hoping things will go smoothly.

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