Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Waiting in the hallway

Soooo I'm still waiting to hear back from Radio One if I got the job or not. I'd just like to say I really want my 'new boss' (naming & claiming....prayerfully I'm not jinxing myself) to just pick me. I feel like a kid waiting to be picked for a team....
Honestly, right now I'm just not feeling my job anymore. I know that there are so many people who would love to switch places with me and a few months ago all I was praying for was a job to be bothered with. So it's not that I'm not grateful but more that I'm not fulfilled. I'm not challenged and I'm in a position that doesn't allow me growth or empowerment. I know I previously said the benefit of this job was that I'm the only person that knows how to do what I do and to a degree it is. However, the culture of my job doesn't allow for much change and what little change that occurs seems futile when it only lasts for a short while. I love some of the people I work with but that's not enough. Additionally, I need more money.
I know this is everyone's sentiment, however, I'm not making what I used to make nor anywhere near market standard. I need to move out and on my present salary I just can't see me being able to do that. I know nothing is impossible with God and I'm praying on it...but I also know that it's not just about being able to pay rent but the additional bills like utilities and then my regular bills and spending. Now I'm not a heavy shopper-more because my taste is expensive and my budget is slim than anything else. I'm a closet fashion head who has no idea what I want my 'look' to be. But back to my finances, I'm just not sure how to get everythign to fit on my present salary.
So right now I'm just waiting on the call to get a new job...then of course I realized the only thing I never mentioned during the interview process was salary. I was and am too focused on getting my foot in the door and then want to negotiate salary. But I'm praying that everything will fall properly into place so the job is perfect and the salary is also perfect....HMMMMMM

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