Friday, August 27, 2010

What Set I Rep

My religion is always in question. Who I worship is a question that sounds more like "Who's side are YOU on" to my ears. I'm Christian. BUT. Before you whip out your holy music & do a rain dance...I'm not YOUR Christian. I can't quote Bible verses all that well and I don't agree with you mostly.
I don't subscribe to the notion God didn't create gays/homosexuals/lesbians or whatever label/title you'd like to issue this month. I definitely don't believe that God has all sins laid out with numbers underneath signifying which sin is greater than the other, thus garnering Heaven or Hell. So if you're looking for that Christian, I'm sorry I can't help you.
Yes I believe that God is a loving God. Now what a loving God means to me:
He hugs & holds me when needed
He gives me beatings when needed
He listens when needed
And mostly He shakes His head at me
I know every day I wake up God is like "oh boy it's you again huh"
I'm honest with God
I tell Him when I'm angry at Him
I tell Him that I trust Him but I don't really think He has great decision making ideas
Yes I'm quite incredulous I suppose
but mostly when I talk to God I'm honest...
quick note: there was a time when I couldn't be 100% honest with God because.....well I was nervous He didn't approve. One day I realized if I believe He made me the way I am, then He has to know all the crazy stuff I do and don't bother to share with Him.
So yes I'm Christian but I'd rather not claim YOUR set because it rather embarrasses me honestly.

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