Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Taking a page from a friend

So I'm going to try and chronicle my struggle to change my lifestyle. I've been working out with Barbara Newton-Gleaton for the last month and whew it's hard work. My goal is to lose 60 lbs...I wanted to lose it by my birthday (3/15) but that's unrealistic. So right now I'm trying to work up the energy to force myself to work out with Jackie via On Demand.
You might look at me and try to understand why I want to lose so much weight but let's just say I'm not as thin as people think. I like to eat-so much so that I'll blow a paycheck eating where, when & what I want instead of paying bills...well if I could but you get the picture. At any rate, I've been wanting to lose weight for a while..years in fact...and I've done lots of stupid crap. I used to belong to LA Fitness but my checkbook was the only thing working out. I pseudo did Weight Watchers and I think I lost weight-I know I lost inches but the scale didn't register any pounds being shed. A few months ago I joined Lucille Roberts and I liked the classes but I would only go with a friend. So when she stopped going needless to say I stopped going.
Working out with Barb however has proven to be different. She's super duper supportive and motivational. I swear she's lying to me because every week she tells me how good I'm going. I see the results (in my legs mostly) but I don't enjoy feeling. But I will say what I enjoy most about working with Barb is she gives me exercises I can do on my own. So I do small things (some cliche) like take the 27 steps to the sanctuary in my church (not an easy task as there are no landings), if I drop something I do squats to pick them up, clean the house wearing weights etc. You might think those things are insignificant but they've helped. Now I don't have a scale so I have no idea really if I've lost pounds (I don't like scales they make me feel fat) but I can say my clothes feel different and my mother says I look different.
Whatever the case I'm trying. My nutrition is already in the right place now I just have to force myself to eat more often and watch my portion control. I HATE portion control. I mean really why can't I eat what I want until I don't want to eat.....alas it's no way to really lose weight but it's a good objection. But I might have to incorporate Weight Watchers with this because it helped me. But if you've been out to eat recently you also notice they've posted the amount of calories in each meal. Want to really feel fat-order the only meal on the menu with the most calories UGH.
So I'm going to get off the couch & have Jackie with her stupid perfect body tell me what to do and breath while I do it. Then tomorrow I'll go have Barb kick my ass some more and she'll tell me how she shed more pounds....she'll tell me she just had a baby & to get over it LMAO....I HATE that woman-really I do. She's so cheerful while making me do all these things that make my body hurt.
Ok ok I'm not providing any inspiration to those who might want to lose weight. But I know I want to be healthy and I'm determined to get there. SO I'll drink my Gatorade with Thermogen & POwerboost and work some fat off....

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