Friday, February 19, 2010


So I've been uber productive last night and this morning. I actually called unemployment and I have to add I HATE calling them. They owe me for so many weeks plus some monies incorrectly debited. Every time I call them I end up on the phone for at least 45 minutes and if I'm lucky I speak with a half way intelligent and helpful person. Today was really no different minus the gentleman not knowing how to correct one of my issues. As does every other representative, he offered to send an email and fill out a form to hopefully expedite my process. So I will continue to pray that I'll eventually see some monies from the state of Pennsylvania (which would help since I'm FLAT broke).
I also made a few other business phone calls. Now this may seem small to some but I HATE talking on the phone. I know I know how can a person who loves to talk & can talk your ear off hate talking on the phone. I have no idea why I despise the phone so much but given the chance I'd rather text or email.
I also GOT A JOB! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! I'm happy to have a job although I would prefer a higher salary. But the great things I have 100% company paid benefits (AWESOME), 4 weeks vacation time (even more AWESOME), and 15 sick/personal time. And I start Monday (DID I SAY YAY?!?!?!?)
I was supposed to work out today but my trainer enjoyed herself last night at Lou's & Chew's lol. So I'm supposed to work out on my own.....this should be interesting because quite frankly I don't feel like it. I have cramps (sorry for the TMI but this is my blog after all). I haven't had cramps in so long well I haven't really menstruated in a while (DEPO,then Blue, then Yaz) so it's NOT a fun experience. But somehow I'll make myself get in at least 20 minutes.
I'm also wondering how I'm going to do the Daniel's Fast for Lent. I honestly can't fast not just because I'm greedy (HEHE) but also because it goes against my weight loss battle. Now the Daniel's Fast would be easier if we hadn't just filled our fridge. So we're trying to take the next few days and eat up everything so we can refill the fridge with Fast friendly items.
I'm also really trying my best to watch my mouth and display grace & mercy. No easy task because it seems like when you're trying not to do something EVERYTHING is coming towards you.
Ok that's all I have for now......

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