Thursday, February 18, 2010

Another day

Where do I start....well I had a conversation with a friend the other day about Lent and the preparations for Lent. I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted to sacrifice for Lent. I would like to quit smoking but realistically that might not be a good option because I want to succeed. So that's out. Ok so I've also been having quite the potty mouth lately-so I choose to stop cursing. Ultimately, God said I needed to sacrifice myself. Now what exactly does that mean? I am under the impression God is giving me the gift of sight but not sure what that entails and what all it means. So I've been praying on it to confirm if it's me or God. But last night at service He confirmed that I was to sacrifice myself.
So that's my sacrifice and way to keep my faith. I still don't know what all it means but I do know each day I am determined to give my all to Him. I pray for His mercies knowing that I will probably not be all I should or could be but I know He forgives me.
Ok so I had an interview yesterday too if you read yesterday's blog and I wasn't sure how I felt about potentially rejoining the workforce. Well part of my conversation with my friend Tuesday night she mentioned how I had an interview on the first day of Lent and how God was moving. Truer words never spoken. Not only did I have an interview yesterday BUT I also received a follow up email for a position I applied to. The reason I'm sharing is because God is moving and I'm trying to be in tune with Him. I saw the position on and tried to apply. I set up my profile, attached my resume but when it came time to add my work experience to the application I had issues. So I finally just walked away from it-this was Tuesday. Wednesday morning I guess, I received an email from the company asking me to complete my application if I wanted to be considered for the position-in my mind I was thinking ummm didn't I already do that?!?!? But obviously I hadn't done something completely. So I went back to the site and once again tried to enter my work experience, even going so far as to add my education experience. But again I could not enter my work experience. Totally frustrated I threw my mental hands up & said well I've attached my resume if you really want me you'll open the attachment I guess. WOW I can't believe from my lips to God's ears. Later that afternoon I received an email from the company asking to set up a phone interview next week. I don't know what God has planned for me but I'm walking in His will.
So I also worked on my battle with weight loss. An uphill battle I must admit. I tried to eat every 3 hours but honestly it sucks monkey balls. I'm not even hungry every 3 hours. Some days I don't eat but once and it's totally by mistake. But I worked out with Barb & took my love with me. She kicked my butt but only for an hour. And advised I didn't need to work out daily. Honestly, she makes me want to work out every day. I'll try to adhere to her words of wisdom but I can't guarantee it.
So I'm also trying to incorporate the Daniel's Fast into my daily diet. No easy task considering we just filled our fridge with tons of food that need to be cooked. So I'l try to knock those items out and then really kick the Fast into high gear.....hmmm I think that's all for now.

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