Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Missing Pieces

Every time I watch Grey's Anatomy I find inspiration...YUCK but it's true:
I'm angry because I gave you valuable pieces of myself
pieces I can never recover
I'm madder at myself
mad for allowing myself to so easily give you those valuable pieces of me
I can NEVER regain those pieces
just watched them wash down the drain
And as I'm finding myself more & more
I've promised to NEVER give any part of me away again!
not freely, easily or at all!
I need all of me to be whole
and with those missing pieces
I feel incomplete
I can feel something is missing
and I wish I could figure out exactly what's missing
wish I could figure out how to get those pieces back
That which I sacrificed I'm not 100% sold that it was even worth it
not sure you deserved them or I deserved to lose them
And it's killing me because I want them back!
I want to be whole again
I want ALL my missing pieces.
There's been a catastrophe and no one cared
no one asked any questions
I just
let it happen
I let me go & I have NO idea why
I don't know why I loved you so much I gave you MY pieces
I don't know how to get what I lost back
because I still don't know what all I lost
I just know something is missing
major things are missing
It saddens me
hurts to the core
I'm missing
There's no road map to get back
no idea how to regain those pieces
I just know I want them back
more than I want babies...
Where did she go?
Why did she go?
How do I get those pieces back??????

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