Saturday, February 20, 2010

Flowers for the dead

So I just found out one of the most influential teachers I've ever had passed away. While I view death as a good thing my heart is truly rather heavy. Mr. Oglesby was the first teacher who made me think harder. He challenged us on a daily basis. Honestly he is the reason I got even more interested in Black History.
It's weird when you look back on the people who've made an impact on you. You might not always realize their importance but when you do sometimes it's mind blowing.
I can think back to his classes and remember how he used to make fun of some of the youthful trends. I remember how he challenged us to think outside the box. In his class I felt for the first time I was truly happy to be black and even happier to be a woman.
I don't know what else to say other than he really meant a lot to me. And in talking to a lot of girls I went to high school with I know he made a large impact on their lives as well.
RIP William Oglesby you were truly the best educator I've ever known.

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