Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's funny how long I've been out of work. Funny because I'd never imagine I'd be without a job and actually be ok with that. I've been working since I was 15 years old-not just out of necessity but also because I love money and my own independence. I've been out of work over a year and possibly faced with having a job again I don't know how I feel about it. I've been asking God for guidance because I'm tired of depending on others so I can pay my bills and enjoy what little bit of life I have (with no income) and I had an interview today.
The interview went well and they've already started calling my references. So now I'm feeling a little anxious-I asked God for something and now He might be giving it to me but the real question is am I ready? I've committed to following God wherever He shall lead me even when it didn't make immediate sense so I'm listening and acting in His will. But I have to admit it's a lil' strange.
I wonder how I'll be able to juggle working, running my businesses, working out & maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I know it's possible but it's been quite a while since I've done it.
Oh well I'm going to follow Him where He leads me and stop worrying.

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