Monday, February 20, 2012

Very often we extend ourselves to people never expecting having to make good on the idle threat. We're often taken off guard when we are actually card upon. So why do ER extend ourselves in the first place? Often its an attempt to be courteous yet there's nothing more than the gesture. We say we're friends but don't expect to be called in a time of need. However we want others to be available when we attempt to cash in their threat. What a vicious cycle. What would the world be like if when we said 'should you need anything, call me' we actually meant it? When we said how are you, we actually took interest in how a person was instead of waiting for the polite response 'I'm fine & you'. Gone are the days we're truly interested in things unrelated to self. Gone are the days believing it takes a village to raise a child & help itself to sustain & maintain. We'd rather fast food our lives skipping to the good part with our have it your way mentality.

What would happen if we could get back to some of the qualities of our older generations?

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