Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Postpartum depression

Why don't we talk about it in real terms??? Most conversations I hear involve a mother who went crazy & killed her child. What about the mothers who zone out on their kids because they just don't know what to do? Those mothers who are struggling & at every turn feel like they're drowning.
Why don't we talk about that?
I am overwhelmed to the highest level of being overwhelmed. I don't think anything I'm doing is right but I'm not sure where to turn. And when resources do present themselves I don't know how to adjust my schedule accordingly. There are days taking a shower & brushing my teeth have been a major accomplishment. People make suggestions that sound wonderful but when I try to do them....I feel like I fail miserably. I don't know how to really do tummy time with my sun. I don't know how to keep my sun entertained while I clean the house thoroughly. Hell some days I don't know how to go to the bathroom without trying to put him in something he can't escape. I am overwhelmed and I would love to get out this funk but I don't know how.
These are the musing of a woman with PPD who would never harm her child but sometimes I just want to put him on a shelf for a few hours while I do something.....

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