Saturday, January 28, 2012

I wonder

I wonder what life would be like had I just gone left instead if right. What it would be like it I had just done right. Would I still be here, would I be happier....imagine this world with other decisions made.

I wonder would things be better had I picked another lover. Had I decided it was him & not you. Would I be more satisfied, would I still be single. I wonder what my kids would look like, what kind of car I drove & if we slept cuddled up at night.

I wonder if I had listened and followed my dreams once seeming so silly. Once believing they belonged to someone else.  Would I be richer or maybe just more self satisfied.

I try hard not to ponder what if's & shoulda, coulda but there are days, moments & people that make me wonder. Or maybe its the knowledge that inside I'm not happy. Can't discern for sure which one but today I sit back & wonder.

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