Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Every time I start writing I get the incredible urge to just keep going...keep purging and keep sharing... and in as much as I want to keep sharing I'm afraid of who's reading...although I know it's no one. I know I'm not really all that important although it would be nice to be important enough for folks to follow my thoughts and want to know more. Alas (I've been dying to insert that btw) I'm JustReesiey.
I was talking to my co worker (the one who I love and hate depending on the moment) and we were talking about relationships. She's been married for 43 years and she said they (her & her husband) still talk about things that attracted them to each other all those years ago and now...odd because I literally just had the same conversation.
See what I mean about writing..I'm literally just rambling on...no real aim or purpose but I need to get all this shit out. Sadly I am trying to get back to not cursing but I figure this is my place to say exactly what I'm thinking and not having to be apologetic about it.
Yes I'm a Christian who loves God and attends church mostly regularly...and yes I curse and yes I backslide...take it or leave it, that's just me...ok done for now

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