Friday, March 19, 2010

It's Been A While

So I have been neglecting myself lately. Spending too much time in the car going from one place to another and not enough time on me. All my appointments are for my personal betterment but I've been neglecting me-the emotional me, the thoughtful me, the innovative me. I've spent the last few work weeks complaining about my job and how much it irritates me. I've spent the last few weeks wanting more from my businesses and more from my life. But in the last few weeks I've neglected me in the struggle to climb up.
So this morning I have a minute to take some time for me. I was able to actually lay in bed a few minutes longer and think clearly without rushing to get to work, thinking about what I have to do after work etc. I actually had a chance to talk to God and think about some of the things He's laid on my heart.
So I started a new job 2/22/10 which is a blessing and a curse (if you will). A gift because I've been on the couch for almost a year wishing I had a job and some real income.
A curse because no one at my job knows how to perform my functions. But in thinking and talking I realize this is actually an additional blessing. Because no one knows exactly what I do or how to do it, I can make my position whatever I want it to be. I had to realize it's actually pretty awesome to have a job I can mold into what I want it to be and make my earning potential increase based on what I bring to the table. So I was lying in bed this morning thinking about all the changes and implementations I'd like to make to my job and then I decided to listen to an inspirational call for Ardyss....and it made me realize I'm laying in bed thinking about how I can increase someone else but what am I doing to increase myself.
I'm very good at motivating myself to start something. I can picture myself doing great things and what the road looks like getting there. However I'm not really good at staying motivated........I really want to talk more about this but I need to get ready to go to my next appointment.

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